English for Technical Communication in European Engineering Companies


Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
provides courses for students of bachelor, master and doctoral programmes in mechanical engineering subjects.
Institute of languages FME BUT
runs courses for students of all study programmes with special emphasis on engineering English. A part of specialized language courses offered by the Institute of languages FME are also preparatory courses for students who applied for mobilities or practical training in EU companies. The Institute also runs in - house courses of engineering English for the university staff. The teachers from the Institute of languages have had a long - time experience with teaching of engineering English and also with coordination of transnational EU projects focused on the development of teaching materials for engineering English (A Practical Guide for Technical/Scientific Writers in English, Leonardo I, pilot project 1998 - 2001 and Writing Professional English, Leonardo da Vinci II, language competences project, 2002 - 2005). Supported by the faculty authorities, the Institute has installed a multimedia laboratory with 15 working stations where new teaching methods and materials are verified.
Chambre de commerce et d'industrie du Jura
was selected as a host institution. It is an educational organization ensuring the needs of regional enterprises through the support of their entrepreneurial activities. Among others, it also offers language courses in English, German, Spanish, and Italian; a majority of these courses is adapted to the requirements of the local industries. These tailor - made courses such as e.g. English for Eyewear Industry meet the requirements of particular companies as for the level of language education including the scope of slecific vocabulary. The courses are administered by the language centre in Lons le Saunier, however the employees are also engaged in subsidiaries in Dole, St Claude and Morez. Apart from these courses, the language centre of Chambre de commerce et d'industrie du Jura also provides consultations in the area of specialized translations, e - learning and development of testing tools based on the international standards (e.g. Test of English for International Communication). The CCI language centre has been cooperating with the Institute of languages FME BUT on several projects within the framework of LdV program (DEUMA, WPE, CADOS).

Leonardo da Vinci II: CZ/06/A/EX/ - 134265
Duration: Duration: 1/1/2007 - 30/9/2007
This project has been carried out with the support of the European Community.

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