WPE - Writing Professional English

Leonardo da Vinci II: CZ/02/B/F/LA - 134043
Duration: 1/11/2002 - 31/10/2005
This project has been carried out with the support of the European Community. The content of this project does not necessarily reflect the position of the European Community, nor does it involve any responsibility on the part of the European Community.


The third meeting was held in Colchester: February 12 - 15, 2004

Thursday, February 12
Friday, February 13
10,00 a.m. - 1,00 p.m.Discussion over Reference modules + glossaries (contents, assessment of testing, www site - presentation, CD - ROMs - national versions: selection of materials)
Lunch break
2,00 p.m. - 6,00 p.m.
  • dissemination tasks (seminars, workshops, written contributions), see Application form (p.36)
  • IPR (comments on the draft material)
  • Administration (interim report, shifts in funding)
Informal meeting - dinner
Saturday, February 14
10,00 a.m. - 1,00 p.m. Instructional modules (exercises) - planning instructional materials to chapters 1,2,3:
  • Development
  • Testing
Lunch break
2,00 p.m. - 5,00 p.m. To be continued
Dinner - socializing
Sunday, February 15

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Last update: 19-Dec-2005, 15:15