4. Language functions

4.1 Agreeing and Disagreeing

Agreeing and disagreeing are typical elements of spoken English but may also appear in scientific writing. When writers want to compare their findings with those of other scientists, they may have to express their agreement or disagreement. For example:

Other contexts in which phrases expressing agreement appear in scientific literature include making assumptions or conclusions:

Assumption It is generally agreed that...
Conclusion In the previous chapter, we agreed to...

Language you can use to express agreement

The following verbs and phrases express varying degrees of agreement. Verbs such as agree are normally used in the active form with a personal subject (except in the examples given above).

Expressing disagreement

There are a variety of verbs and other phrases for expressing disagreement. In particular, some phrases are useful when refuting, or arguing against, another scholar's findings.

Some linking phrases for contradicting what someone else has written:

Here are some phrases for expressing partial or tentative disagreement:

Electrical Eng. |  Construction Eng. |  Pharmacy |  Physical and Materials Eng. |  Medical Eng. |  Process Eng. |  Informatics |  Chemistry

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Last update: 19-Dec-2005, 16:04