3. Style

When publishing in English you need to take account of the general rules which have become accepted as the norm in academic communication. In writing technical and scientific papers in particular, you should aim to achieve objectivity, clarity and precision. In addition, there are conventions governing the use of formal patterns, though the need to establish rapport with your audience and to make your writing reader-friendly has an influence on determining your selection of formal or informal language phrases.

This implies that there still is a certain amount of creative use of language in the dissemination of research information and that scientific writing does not simply follow a set of mechanical writing procedures for reporting results. The written text also reflects, though to a very limited extent, cultural and rhetorical assumptions about what is presented and how the material is organized.

3.1 Objectivity

Objectivity is generally governed by the research topic although obviously it is individuals who actually have to select, arrange and present their findings. Thus it is your task, as the writer, to deal with your topic in a fair, objective and responsible manner, keeping your personal feelings out of your writing.

From a language point of view, objectivity and a neutral approach (impersonal style) may be achieved by using the passive voice and by avoiding ambiguous statements. Avoidance of confusing metaphoric elements, combined with the use of precise and well-established technical terms may add to effective writing and help to produce explicitness of standard academic description.

Using the passive voice in impersonal writing

Scientific writing is usually done in an impersonal style. Information and facts are more important than personal opinions or attitudes. This style is also used to put a certain distance between the writer and the arguments proposed and thus makes them more objective. See also Section 5.5 Using the Passive.

Personal / informal Impersonal / formal
We should report all documented or suspected interactions with pharmaceuticals Documented or suspected interactions with pharmaceuticals should be reported
The authors have also shown that the substance has an antinociceptive effect in mice.The substance has also been shown to have antinociceptive effect in mice.
We have used the tissue models as the basis for the prediction of heating or cavitation.The tissue models have been used as a basis for the prediction of heating or cavitation.
We have demonstrated in this paper, however, that the risk is lessened.... It has been demonstrated in this paper, however, that the risk is lessened....
We have performed structure-activity relationship (SAR) analyses ...Structure-activity relationship (SAR) analyses have been performed
In the present study, we describe a case of leucopenia that occurred in a patient In the present study,a case of leucopenia is described which occurred in a patient.
Therefore, in the present study, we measured the serum concentrations (trough values) of 5-ASA, SLP and Ac-SLPTherefore, in the present study, the serum concentrations (trough values) of 5-ASA, SLP and Ac-SLP were measured.

Precise references to data in tables, graphs and diagrams also lead to greater objectivity in research findings.

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Last update: 19-Dec-2005, 16:06